Jumat, 28 September 2012


Humor Chic Beauty Campaign - Donatella Versace "CHAMPAGNE BOOM! Yellow Diamond Eau de Toilette" by aleXsandro Palombo


Kamis, 27 September 2012

Rabu, 26 September 2012

Humor Chic Beauty Campaign - Karl Lagerfeld "Parfum Coco Chanel Noir" by aleXsandro Palombo

Selasa, 25 September 2012

Stamattina vi abbiamo parlato del favoloso corso accelerato per chi vuole imparare a realizzare un perfetto "Sberleffo Fashionista", un must a cui nessun fashion victim potrà rinunciare se vorrà essere cool anche la prossima stagione. Ha confermare questa interessante tendenza ci ha pensato anche il simpatico stilista Stefano Gabbana che questa mattina dal suo Twitter ufficiale ha invitato tutti i suoi follower a seguire gratuitamente il primo corso accelerato per imparare a realizzare il perfetto "Sberleffo Fashionista". Per chi l'avesse perso lo preghiamo gentilmente di seguire attentamente l'intero percorso cliccando quì!

Il soggetto protagonista che ha fatto da cornice al primo "Sberleffo Fashionista" è stata una simpatica e colta Signora siciliana, la stilista Marella Ferrera, il quale gentilmente ha voluto concedere ad Humor Chic il suo pensiero riguardo lo sberleffo che l'ha vista suo malgrado coinvolta... sul cinguettante Social Network Twitter.

Di seguito la colta risposta di Donna Marella Ferrera, noi di Humor Chic ringraziamo e giriamo... a coloro che rischiano di farsi male appena si accorgeranno che il loro culo stà precipitando sulla dura Madre Terra!

"Sciasciascriveva che l' Italia è un paese e la Sicilia... un continente"

La sua immensità da spazio a tutti..
ognuno la racconta come sa e come può...
le collezioni sono pubbliche...la storia è di tutti...

Marella Ferrera

Quì sotto potete rileggere lo stesso pensiero che Marella Ferrera ha scritto nei commenti del Post della bravissima Caterina Di Iorgi dedicato allo "Sberleffo Fashionista"
Au revoir chicest

Humor Chic Italy Fashion News - Marella Ferrera, come risponde ad uno "Sberleffo Fashionista" un'autentica donna siciliana!!

Stamattina vi abbiamo parlato del favoloso corso accelerato per chi vuole imparare a realizzare un perfetto "Sberleffo Fashionista", un must a cui nessun fashion victim potrà rinunciare se vorrà essere cool anche la prossima stagione. Ha confermare questa interessante tendenza ci ha pensato anche il simpatico stilista Stefano Gabbana che questa mattina dal suo Twitter ufficiale ha invitato tutti i suoi follower a seguire gratuitamente il primo corso accelerato per imparare a realizzare il perfetto "Sberleffo Fashionista". Per chi l'avesse perso lo preghiamo gentilmente di seguire attentamente l'intero percorso cliccando quì!

Il soggetto protagonista che ha fatto da cornice al primo "Sberleffo Fashionista" è stata una simpatica e colta Signora siciliana, la stilista Marella Ferrera, il quale gentilmente ha voluto concedere ad Humor Chic il suo pensiero riguardo lo sberleffo che l'ha vista suo malgrado coinvolta... sul cinguettante Social Network Twitter.

Di seguito la colta risposta di Donna Marella Ferrera, noi di Humor Chic ringraziamo e giriamo... a coloro che rischiano di farsi male appena si accorgeranno che il loro culo stà precipitando sulla dura Madre Terra!

"Sciasciascriveva che l' Italia è un paese e la Sicilia... un continente"

La sua immensità da spazio a tutti..
ognuno la racconta come sa e come può...
le collezioni sono pubbliche...la storia è di tutti...

Marella Ferrera

Quì sotto potete rileggere lo stesso pensiero che Marella Ferrera ha scritto nei commenti del Post della bravissima Caterina Di Iorgi dedicato allo "Sberleffo Fashionista"
Au revoir chicest
Prima lezione:
Come si sberleffa una collezione Dolce & Gabbana?
 Condividendo sul Social Media Twitter le proprie ironiche allusioni
 e poi cancellando di corsa i propri Tweet!!


Non è roba di tutti i giorni avere l'opportunità di seguire gratuitamente un corso accelerato di "Sberleffo Fashionista", pare che nell'ambiente gayo milanese, dove si amano ma soprattutto si inculano per bene.. tutti, sarà presto la nuova tendenza.
Non ci credete?? Sbagliate, perchè a consigliarvelo c'è anche il simpatico Stefano Gabbana che si è divertito molto nel prendere parte ad una di queste esileranti sedute!!
Buon corso accelerato a tutti!!
Cliccate quì sotto per godervi la prima ma soprattutto gratuita lezione:
Au revoir chicest

Humor Chic Italy Fashion News - Corso accelerato di "Sberleffo Fashionista" ve lo consiglia Stefano Gabbana!!

Prima lezione:
Come si sberleffa una collezione Dolce & Gabbana?
 Condividendo sul Social Media Twitter le proprie ironiche allusioni
 e poi cancellando di corsa i propri Tweet!!


Non è roba di tutti i giorni avere l'opportunità di seguire gratuitamente un corso accelerato di "Sberleffo Fashionista", pare che nell'ambiente gayo milanese, dove si amano ma soprattutto si inculano per bene.. tutti, sarà presto la nuova tendenza.
Non ci credete?? Sbagliate, perchè a consigliarvelo c'è anche il simpatico Stefano Gabbana che si è divertito molto nel prendere parte ad una di queste esileranti sedute!!
Buon corso accelerato a tutti!!
Cliccate quì sotto per godervi la prima ma soprattutto gratuita lezione:
Au revoir chicest

Senin, 24 September 2012


Humor Chic Special Bomb - Karl Lagerfeld, RUMORSSSSS!!! by aleXsandro Palombo


Minggu, 23 September 2012

by aleXsandro Palombo

Humor Chic Trend Alert - VOGUE Editrix Anna Wintour, "Karl Lagerfeld, Vision of a Funeral" by aleXsandro Palombo

by aleXsandro Palombo

Sabtu, 22 September 2012

Légion d'Honneur to VOGUE Editrix Anna Wintour 
by aleXsandro Palombo
Special Guest
Karl Lagerfeld and Nicolas Sarkozy

Humor Chic Social Campaign - Anna Wintour, Karl Lagerfeld and Nicolas Sarkozy "USE A CONDOM" by aleXsandro Palombo

Légion d'Honneur to VOGUE Editrix Anna Wintour 
by aleXsandro Palombo
Special Guest
Karl Lagerfeld and Nicolas Sarkozy

Οι γελοιογραφίες του aleXsandro Palombo δημοσιεύτηκαν στην εφημερίδα
Ο Εντουάρ ντε Ρότσιλντ, γόνος της γνωστής τραπεζικής δυναστείας και κύριος μέτοχος της αριστερής «Libération», διασταυρώνει τα ξίφη του με τον πλουσιότερο άντρα της Ευρώπης –και τέταρτο πιο πλούσιο άνθρωπο στον κόσμο–, ιδιοκτήτη του ομίλου Louis Vuitton Μπερνάρ Αρνό, με αφορμή την απόφαση του τελευταίου να ζητήσει τη βελγική υπηκοότητα. Η κίνηση ερμηνεύεται ως προσπάθεια του Αρνό να αποφύγει τη φορολογία με συντελεστή 75% σε εισοδήματα που ξεπερνούν το 1 εκατ. ευρώ, την οποία ανακοίνωσε ο Γάλλος πρόεδρος.

Διαφημιστικός πόλεμος
Την αρχή έκανε η γαλλική εφημερίδα πριν από περίπου δύο εβδομάδες, με το προκλητικό πρωτοσέλιδο «Άντε χάσου, πλούσιε μαλ…», έναν τίτλο που παραφράζει μια ατάκα του Νικολά Σαρκοζί προς έναν αγρότη που είχε αρνηθεί να του σφίξει το χέρι. Στην περίπτωση εκείνη ο μαλ… ήταν φτωχός, ενώ ο κ. «Louis Vuitton», προσωπικός φίλος και κουμπάρος του Σαρκοζί, απάντησε με μήνυση για δυσφήμηση, χαρακτηρίζοντας τον τίτλο «χυδαίο και βίαιο».
Η εφημερίδα επανήλθε, την επόμενη μέρα, με δεύτερο ειρωνικό πρωτοσέλιδο, γεμάτο διαφημίσεις ανταγωνιστικών πολυτελών οίκων και τίτλο: «Αρνό, αν γυρίσεις, θα τα πάρουμε όλα πίσω». Ο Αρνό όχι μόνο δεν γύρισε, αλλά χτύπησε τη «Libération» εκεί που πονάει, αποφασίζοντας την απόσυρση όλων των διαφημιστικών καταχωρίσεων του ομίλου LVHM. Σε ένδειξη αλληλεγγύης, την απόφαση ακολούθησαν κι άλλες εταιρείες πολυτελών ειδών, κι έτσι τα δύο πρωτοσέλιδα και οι αναλύσεις περί «αριστοκρατών που δραπετεύουν την ώρα που η χώρα χρειάζεται εθνική αλληλεγγύη» ενδέχεται να κοστίσουν στην εφημερίδα ακόμα και 700.000 ευρώ.

Ο κ. «Louis Vuitton»
Από την πλευρά του, ο επιχειρηματίας επιμένει ότι η αίτηση για βελγική υπηκοότητα κατατέθηκε ενόψει μιας επενδυτικής κίνησης που ετοιμάζει, και όχι για να αποφύγει την υψηλή φορολόγηση. Ως Βέλγος υπήκοος, πάντως, θα μπορούσε να ζητήσει την ιθαγένεια και να απολαύσει τον φορολογικό παράδεισο στο Μονακό, κάτι που δεν μπορεί να κάνει ως Γάλλος. Δεν είναι η πρώτη φορά που ο Αρνό γίνεται εμιγκρές λόγω… σοσιαλισμού. Για ανάλογους λόγους μετανάστευσε στις ΗΠΑ το 1981, όταν στη χώρα εξελέγη ο προηγούμενος σοσιαλιστής πρόεδρος, ο Φρανσουά Μιτεράν. Επέστρεψε στη Γαλλία μόλις η κυβέρνηση υιοθέτησε ένα πιο συντηρητικό οικονομικό μοντέλο, και το 1989, μετά από μια σειρά επιθετικών επιχειρηματικών κινήσεων αλλά και πολλών κρατικών επιχορηγήσεων, ανέλαβε τη Louis Vuitton - Moët Hennessy (LVMH). Έναν κολοσσό πολυτελών ειδών, που σήμερα έχει στην κατοχή του φίρμες όπως οι Moët et Chandon, Veuve Clicquot, Dom Pérignon, Krug, Mercier, Hennessy, Christian Dior, Louis Vuitton, Fendi, Emilio Pucci, Marc Jacobs, Donna Karan, Céline, Guerlain, Givenchy, De Beers, Bulgari, TAG Heuer, καταστήματα όπως τα Sephora, εμπορικά κέντρα στο Παρίσι, τον όμιλο ΜΜΕ και την εφημερίδα «Les Échos» και δεκάδες άλλες επιχειρηματικές δραστηριότητες.
Οι εταιρείες του ομίλου προσφέρουν κάποια από τα γνωστότερα και πιο ακριβά είδη πολυτελείας στον κόσμο. Ως αποτέλεσμα, η προσωπική περιουσία του κ. «Louis Vuitton» ξεπερνά, σύμφωνα με το περιοδικό «Forbes», τα 30 δισ. ευρώ και οι ετήσιες απολαβές του φτάνουν τα 11 εκατ. ευρώ. Πέραν των επιχειρήσεων, ο Αρνό, γόνος αστικής οικογένειας, είναι γνωστός συλλέκτης έργων τέχνης και πάτρωνας των τεχνών. Έχει αναλάβει μεγάλες χορηγίες σε σημαντικές εκθέσεις, ενώ μέσω του ιδρύματος του ομίλου στηρίζει προγράμματα πολιτιστικής κληρονομιάς, νέα ταλέντα και αναλαμβάνει έργα εταιρικής κοινωνικής ευθύνης. Για την προσφορά του έχει τιμηθεί με τον σημαντικότερο τίτλο της Γαλλικής Δημοκρατίας, αυτόν του Ανώτατου Ταξιάρχη της Λεγεώνας της Τιμής, τον οποίο προφανώς θα πάρει μαζί του στις Βρυξέλλες.

Humor Chic Luxury News - CITYPRESS NEWSPAPER (Athens GREECE) "Ο σοσιαλισμός δεν ταιριάζει στη βιομηχανία πολυτελείας"LVMH Ceo Bernard Arnault by aleXsandro Palombo

Οι γελοιογραφίες του aleXsandro Palombo δημοσιεύτηκαν στην εφημερίδα
Ο Εντουάρ ντε Ρότσιλντ, γόνος της γνωστής τραπεζικής δυναστείας και κύριος μέτοχος της αριστερής «Libération», διασταυρώνει τα ξίφη του με τον πλουσιότερο άντρα της Ευρώπης –και τέταρτο πιο πλούσιο άνθρωπο στον κόσμο–, ιδιοκτήτη του ομίλου Louis Vuitton Μπερνάρ Αρνό, με αφορμή την απόφαση του τελευταίου να ζητήσει τη βελγική υπηκοότητα. Η κίνηση ερμηνεύεται ως προσπάθεια του Αρνό να αποφύγει τη φορολογία με συντελεστή 75% σε εισοδήματα που ξεπερνούν το 1 εκατ. ευρώ, την οποία ανακοίνωσε ο Γάλλος πρόεδρος.

Διαφημιστικός πόλεμος
Την αρχή έκανε η γαλλική εφημερίδα πριν από περίπου δύο εβδομάδες, με το προκλητικό πρωτοσέλιδο «Άντε χάσου, πλούσιε μαλ…», έναν τίτλο που παραφράζει μια ατάκα του Νικολά Σαρκοζί προς έναν αγρότη που είχε αρνηθεί να του σφίξει το χέρι. Στην περίπτωση εκείνη ο μαλ… ήταν φτωχός, ενώ ο κ. «Louis Vuitton», προσωπικός φίλος και κουμπάρος του Σαρκοζί, απάντησε με μήνυση για δυσφήμηση, χαρακτηρίζοντας τον τίτλο «χυδαίο και βίαιο».
Η εφημερίδα επανήλθε, την επόμενη μέρα, με δεύτερο ειρωνικό πρωτοσέλιδο, γεμάτο διαφημίσεις ανταγωνιστικών πολυτελών οίκων και τίτλο: «Αρνό, αν γυρίσεις, θα τα πάρουμε όλα πίσω». Ο Αρνό όχι μόνο δεν γύρισε, αλλά χτύπησε τη «Libération» εκεί που πονάει, αποφασίζοντας την απόσυρση όλων των διαφημιστικών καταχωρίσεων του ομίλου LVHM. Σε ένδειξη αλληλεγγύης, την απόφαση ακολούθησαν κι άλλες εταιρείες πολυτελών ειδών, κι έτσι τα δύο πρωτοσέλιδα και οι αναλύσεις περί «αριστοκρατών που δραπετεύουν την ώρα που η χώρα χρειάζεται εθνική αλληλεγγύη» ενδέχεται να κοστίσουν στην εφημερίδα ακόμα και 700.000 ευρώ.

Ο κ. «Louis Vuitton»
Από την πλευρά του, ο επιχειρηματίας επιμένει ότι η αίτηση για βελγική υπηκοότητα κατατέθηκε ενόψει μιας επενδυτικής κίνησης που ετοιμάζει, και όχι για να αποφύγει την υψηλή φορολόγηση. Ως Βέλγος υπήκοος, πάντως, θα μπορούσε να ζητήσει την ιθαγένεια και να απολαύσει τον φορολογικό παράδεισο στο Μονακό, κάτι που δεν μπορεί να κάνει ως Γάλλος. Δεν είναι η πρώτη φορά που ο Αρνό γίνεται εμιγκρές λόγω… σοσιαλισμού. Για ανάλογους λόγους μετανάστευσε στις ΗΠΑ το 1981, όταν στη χώρα εξελέγη ο προηγούμενος σοσιαλιστής πρόεδρος, ο Φρανσουά Μιτεράν. Επέστρεψε στη Γαλλία μόλις η κυβέρνηση υιοθέτησε ένα πιο συντηρητικό οικονομικό μοντέλο, και το 1989, μετά από μια σειρά επιθετικών επιχειρηματικών κινήσεων αλλά και πολλών κρατικών επιχορηγήσεων, ανέλαβε τη Louis Vuitton - Moët Hennessy (LVMH). Έναν κολοσσό πολυτελών ειδών, που σήμερα έχει στην κατοχή του φίρμες όπως οι Moët et Chandon, Veuve Clicquot, Dom Pérignon, Krug, Mercier, Hennessy, Christian Dior, Louis Vuitton, Fendi, Emilio Pucci, Marc Jacobs, Donna Karan, Céline, Guerlain, Givenchy, De Beers, Bulgari, TAG Heuer, καταστήματα όπως τα Sephora, εμπορικά κέντρα στο Παρίσι, τον όμιλο ΜΜΕ και την εφημερίδα «Les Échos» και δεκάδες άλλες επιχειρηματικές δραστηριότητες.
Οι εταιρείες του ομίλου προσφέρουν κάποια από τα γνωστότερα και πιο ακριβά είδη πολυτελείας στον κόσμο. Ως αποτέλεσμα, η προσωπική περιουσία του κ. «Louis Vuitton» ξεπερνά, σύμφωνα με το περιοδικό «Forbes», τα 30 δισ. ευρώ και οι ετήσιες απολαβές του φτάνουν τα 11 εκατ. ευρώ. Πέραν των επιχειρήσεων, ο Αρνό, γόνος αστικής οικογένειας, είναι γνωστός συλλέκτης έργων τέχνης και πάτρωνας των τεχνών. Έχει αναλάβει μεγάλες χορηγίες σε σημαντικές εκθέσεις, ενώ μέσω του ιδρύματος του ομίλου στηρίζει προγράμματα πολιτιστικής κληρονομιάς, νέα ταλέντα και αναλαμβάνει έργα εταιρικής κοινωνικής ευθύνης. Για την προσφορά του έχει τιμηθεί με τον σημαντικότερο τίτλο της Γαλλικής Δημοκρατίας, αυτόν του Ανώτατου Ταξιάρχη της Λεγεώνας της Τιμής, τον οποίο προφανώς θα πάρει μαζί του στις Βρυξέλλες.

LVMH CEO Bernard Arnault by aleXsandro Palombo
每日时尚财经:利益至上 LVMH老板移民逃税证据确凿
从9月8日开始,LVMH主席、法国首富贝尔纳·阿尔诺(Bernard Arnault)正在申请比利时国籍的新闻便被炒的沸沸扬扬,无时尚中文网也以暴发户骗局!解放报报LVMH老板申请比利时国籍逃税吃官司为题进行了报道。整个事件过程精彩犹如黄金时段电视剧:先是以华尔街日报为首的主流财经媒体直指阿尔诺申请比利时国籍明显是为了躲避新总统奥朗德(François Hollande)主张征收的高达75%的“富人税”;随后知情的法国左倾媒体显然被阿尔诺的决定惹恼了,他们旋即开始谴责Bernard,斥其不爱国并叫其“滚蛋”,甚至怀疑其下一步便是移民摩纳哥,因为那里甚至无需缴纳所得税;而接下来9月9日晚上奥朗德在长达20分钟的电视采访里不仅重申其代表的执政党社会党将加快“富人税“的设立,还在全国人民面前点名批评了阿尔诺,称“他应该仔细想清楚自己在做什么!”并呼吁阿尔诺要有爱国精神;当事人贝尔纳·阿尔诺方面则一直强调自己是因投资需要才申请比利时国籍,将保留财政上的法国公民身份,即使日后有双重国籍仍会选择在法国纳税。他还决定起诉《解放报》对自己的诋毁行为;但陆续揭露的信息却显示阿尔诺的确正在通过比利时避税,据彭博商业周刊报道,从2008年起至今,其掌管的LVMH集团下的12家投资公司及1家基金在比利时央行登记的合计资产已从€13亿翻了三倍至€40亿。

Humor Chic Luxury Hot News - NOFASHION CHINA "Bernard Arnault by aleXsandro Palombo" 每日时尚财经:利益至上 LVMH老板移民逃税证据确凿

LVMH CEO Bernard Arnault by aleXsandro Palombo
每日时尚财经:利益至上 LVMH老板移民逃税证据确凿
从9月8日开始,LVMH主席、法国首富贝尔纳·阿尔诺(Bernard Arnault)正在申请比利时国籍的新闻便被炒的沸沸扬扬,无时尚中文网也以暴发户骗局!解放报报LVMH老板申请比利时国籍逃税吃官司为题进行了报道。整个事件过程精彩犹如黄金时段电视剧:先是以华尔街日报为首的主流财经媒体直指阿尔诺申请比利时国籍明显是为了躲避新总统奥朗德(François Hollande)主张征收的高达75%的“富人税”;随后知情的法国左倾媒体显然被阿尔诺的决定惹恼了,他们旋即开始谴责Bernard,斥其不爱国并叫其“滚蛋”,甚至怀疑其下一步便是移民摩纳哥,因为那里甚至无需缴纳所得税;而接下来9月9日晚上奥朗德在长达20分钟的电视采访里不仅重申其代表的执政党社会党将加快“富人税“的设立,还在全国人民面前点名批评了阿尔诺,称“他应该仔细想清楚自己在做什么!”并呼吁阿尔诺要有爱国精神;当事人贝尔纳·阿尔诺方面则一直强调自己是因投资需要才申请比利时国籍,将保留财政上的法国公民身份,即使日后有双重国籍仍会选择在法国纳税。他还决定起诉《解放报》对自己的诋毁行为;但陆续揭露的信息却显示阿尔诺的确正在通过比利时避税,据彭博商业周刊报道,从2008年起至今,其掌管的LVMH集团下的12家投资公司及1家基金在比利时央行登记的合计资产已从€13亿翻了三倍至€40亿。

Jumat, 21 September 2012


Humor Chic Art & Society- LOGOMANIA, Adolf Hitler, and you?


Kamis, 20 September 2012

Read more
Fashion Editor Carine Roitfeld FUR?
Stop Animal Cruelty
by aleXsandro Palombo

Humor Chic Erotism & Animal Rights - FENDI CAMPAIGN French Fashion Editor Carine Roitfeld "NO FUR" by aleXsandro Palombo

Read more
Fashion Editor Carine Roitfeld FUR?
Stop Animal Cruelty
by aleXsandro Palombo

 Read more
by aleXsandro Palombo

Humor Chic Erotism & Animal Rights - French Fashion Editor Carine Roitfeld "FENDI, FUR?" by aleXsandro Palombo

 Read more
by aleXsandro Palombo

"NO FUR" VOGUE Editrix Anna Wintour
by aleXsandro Palombo
 Read more ASVOF  

Humor Chic Hot News - Diane Pernet ASVOF BLOG "NO FUR" Anna Wintour Naked by aleXsandro Palombo

"NO FUR" VOGUE Editrix Anna Wintour
by aleXsandro Palombo
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Rabu, 19 September 2012

Selasa, 18 September 2012

Senin, 17 September 2012

Billionaire Arnault’s LVMH Amasses EU4 Billion in Belgium
Companies linked to French billionaire Bernard Arnault’s LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton have amassed $5.2 billion in assets in Belgium, where he recently applied for citizenship.
Belgian central bank records show that 12 companies and a private foundation, all connected to LVMH and based in Brussels, have more than tripled their assets since 2008.
Olivier Labesse, an LVMH spokesman, said the companies are investment vehicles for LVMH, which has annual revenue of $26 billion. The Paris-based company has made Belgium its “operational center of finance” in recent years to take advantage of more favorable tax treatment there, he said.
The shifting of assets to Belgium “has nothing to do” with Arnault’s personal tax situation, Labesse said.
Arnault, 63, the chief executive officer of LVMH and France’s richest man — with a net worth of $25.7 billion, according to Bloomberg’s Billionaires Index — sparked an uproar in France this month when he said he was seeking Belgian citizenship, just as French President Francois Hollande plans to impose a 75 percent tax on income of more than 1 million euros ($1.3 million).

Read more: NYPOST

Humor Chic Fashion & Finance - LVMH Ceo Bernard Arnault "HURRICANE ARNAULT" by aleXsandro Palombo

Billionaire Arnault’s LVMH Amasses EU4 Billion in Belgium
Companies linked to French billionaire Bernard Arnault’s LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton have amassed $5.2 billion in assets in Belgium, where he recently applied for citizenship.
Belgian central bank records show that 12 companies and a private foundation, all connected to LVMH and based in Brussels, have more than tripled their assets since 2008.
Olivier Labesse, an LVMH spokesman, said the companies are investment vehicles for LVMH, which has annual revenue of $26 billion. The Paris-based company has made Belgium its “operational center of finance” in recent years to take advantage of more favorable tax treatment there, he said.
The shifting of assets to Belgium “has nothing to do” with Arnault’s personal tax situation, Labesse said.
Arnault, 63, the chief executive officer of LVMH and France’s richest man — with a net worth of $25.7 billion, according to Bloomberg’s Billionaires Index — sparked an uproar in France this month when he said he was seeking Belgian citizenship, just as French President Francois Hollande plans to impose a 75 percent tax on income of more than 1 million euros ($1.3 million).

Read more: NYPOST
Chanel cleared in French counterfeit case
A French appeals court on Friday fined Chanel 200,000 euros in damages for stealing a design from a local knitwear supplier, overturning a 2009 ruling clearing the fashion house.
The case pitted World Tricot, a now-bankrupt small firm that manufactured high-end knits, against Chanel and was seen as a test of the rights enjoyed by skilled artisans toiling in a luxury industry dominated by the big players.
World Tricot founder Carmel Colle was seeking 2.5 million euros (3.7 million dollars) from Chanel for alleged counterfeit after she spotted in a shop window a Chanel vest with a crochet design that she claimed was hers.
The simple cable design with black edging had been previously submitted to Chanel's studio and rejected, Colle claims.
In 2009, the Paris commercial tribunal ruled that Chanel had not stolen the design although it did order it to pay 400,000 euros in damages to World Tricot for breaking the contract.
Friday's ruling said that "a visual comparison of the original and the crocheted Chanel vest shows that the vest is a slavish copy".
Colle was in tears. And her lawyer Pascal Crehange said the judgment was a "recognition of the creativity of those working in the shadows".
Chanel immediately launched damage control saying it stemmed from a misunderstanding and underlining that it was the first case of its kind against the fashion house.
A former community organiser, Colle founded her company with help from charity foundations that supported her project to hire jobless women from an economically-depressed region of eastern France.

Humor Chic Fashion & Scandal - CHANEL's Karl Lagerfeld, a great Copycat! by aleXsandro Palombo

Chanel cleared in French counterfeit case
A French appeals court on Friday fined Chanel 200,000 euros in damages for stealing a design from a local knitwear supplier, overturning a 2009 ruling clearing the fashion house.
The case pitted World Tricot, a now-bankrupt small firm that manufactured high-end knits, against Chanel and was seen as a test of the rights enjoyed by skilled artisans toiling in a luxury industry dominated by the big players.
World Tricot founder Carmel Colle was seeking 2.5 million euros (3.7 million dollars) from Chanel for alleged counterfeit after she spotted in a shop window a Chanel vest with a crochet design that she claimed was hers.
The simple cable design with black edging had been previously submitted to Chanel's studio and rejected, Colle claims.
In 2009, the Paris commercial tribunal ruled that Chanel had not stolen the design although it did order it to pay 400,000 euros in damages to World Tricot for breaking the contract.
Friday's ruling said that "a visual comparison of the original and the crocheted Chanel vest shows that the vest is a slavish copy".
Colle was in tears. And her lawyer Pascal Crehange said the judgment was a "recognition of the creativity of those working in the shadows".
Chanel immediately launched damage control saying it stemmed from a misunderstanding and underlining that it was the first case of its kind against the fashion house.
A former community organiser, Colle founded her company with help from charity foundations that supported her project to hire jobless women from an economically-depressed region of eastern France.
時尚界名人“被卡通” 化身《阿森一族》搞怪形象

繼Marc Jacobs變身肌肉猛男客串《South Park》後,一眾極具標誌性特質的時尚界風雲人物也無奈“被卡通”,在米蘭插畫家 aleXsandro Palombo 筆下化身美國動畫情景喜劇《The Simpsons》中的卡通人物。此番被模仿的大人物包括“老佛爺”Karl Lagerfeld、Coco Chanel、Marc Jacobs、脫衣舞娘Dita Von Teese,以及美國版《VOGUE》總編Anna Wintour、時尚主編Grace Coddington等人。雖然驟看之下搞怪爆笑,但每位的經典形象實則都被模仿得惟妙惟肖,從身材特徵到穿搭配件,都被細緻描繪,辨識度超高。現在就讓我們一起來見識一下黃色皮膚、超大眼球版的時尚界“大咖”吧!

Humor Chic Hot News - KIDULTY CHINA "Fashion Simpsons" by aleXsandro Palombo

時尚界名人“被卡通” 化身《阿森一族》搞怪形象

繼Marc Jacobs變身肌肉猛男客串《South Park》後,一眾極具標誌性特質的時尚界風雲人物也無奈“被卡通”,在米蘭插畫家 aleXsandro Palombo 筆下化身美國動畫情景喜劇《The Simpsons》中的卡通人物。此番被模仿的大人物包括“老佛爺”Karl Lagerfeld、Coco Chanel、Marc Jacobs、脫衣舞娘Dita Von Teese,以及美國版《VOGUE》總編Anna Wintour、時尚主編Grace Coddington等人。雖然驟看之下搞怪爆笑,但每位的經典形象實則都被模仿得惟妙惟肖,從身材特徵到穿搭配件,都被細緻描繪,辨識度超高。現在就讓我們一起來見識一下黃色皮膚、超大眼球版的時尚界“大咖”吧!

Minggu, 16 September 2012

Humor Chic Luxury & Tax - LVMH Ceo Bernard Arnault "RAIN, VIVE LA FRANCE" by aleXsandro Palombo

Humor Chic Royal Scandal - Kate Middleton and Queen Elizabeth II "SAVE THE QUEEN" by aleXsandro Palombo

Sabtu, 15 September 2012


OMG!! Kate Middleton Topless Photos Published!!
A French magazine published photos of Prince Williams' wife Kate Middleton sunbathing topless at a private home in France.
What do you think?

Humor Chic Royal & Society - Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton "I LOVE TOPLESS" by aleXsandro Palombo


OMG!! Kate Middleton Topless Photos Published!!
A French magazine published photos of Prince Williams' wife Kate Middleton sunbathing topless at a private home in France.
What do you think?

Jumat, 14 September 2012

by aleXsandro Palombo

Humor Chic Luxury & Tax - LVMH Ceo Bernard Arnault "LIBERATION, VIVE LA FRANCE" by aleXsandro Palombo

by aleXsandro Palombo

Humor Chic - "LIBERATION" LVMH Ceo Bernard Arnault and Scrooge McDuck, LOUIS VUITTON CAMPAIGN by aleXsandro Palombo

Kamis, 13 September 2012

Humor Chic LUXURY CAMPAIGN - LVMH CEO Bernard Arnault "FUCK LA FRANCE" by aleXsandro Palombo

Humor Chic Luxury - LVMH Ceo Bernard Arnault (Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy), VIVE LA FRANCE! by aleXsandro Palombo

Selasa, 11 September 2012

Humor Chic Luxury & Scandal - "LIBERATION, VIVE LA FRANCE" LVMH Ceo Bernard Arnault and French President Francois Hollande by aleXsandro Palombo

Humor Chic Luxury & Scandal - French President Francois Hollande and LVMH CEO Bernard Arnault "LIBERATION" by aleXsandro Palombo

Humor Chic Scandal - Tax in France? Louis Vuitton CEO Bernard Arnault saying au revoir.. !!! Vive la France! by aleXsandro Palombo

The decision by France’s richest man, Bernard Arnault, to seek Belgian citizenship has created a media frenzy over tax exiles, giving the increasingly unpopular Socialist President Francois Hollande a chance to grandstand.
Arnault, the chief executive officer of LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SA, the world’s biggest luxury-goods company, said his “personal action” is not aimed at sending a political message or escaping Hollande’s 75 percent tax on earnings of more than 1 million euros ($1.28 million). Still, Liberation newspaper yesterday ran a front-page headline that said “Get lost, rich bastard,” and Hollande in a televised interview on Sept. 9 said it’s patriotic to pay taxes.

Via BusinessWeek

Humor Chic Society - Bernard Arnault "J'ADORE LA BELGIQUE" by aleXsandro Palombo

The decision by France’s richest man, Bernard Arnault, to seek Belgian citizenship has created a media frenzy over tax exiles, giving the increasingly unpopular Socialist President Francois Hollande a chance to grandstand.
Arnault, the chief executive officer of LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SA, the world’s biggest luxury-goods company, said his “personal action” is not aimed at sending a political message or escaping Hollande’s 75 percent tax on earnings of more than 1 million euros ($1.28 million). Still, Liberation newspaper yesterday ran a front-page headline that said “Get lost, rich bastard,” and Hollande in a televised interview on Sept. 9 said it’s patriotic to pay taxes.

Via BusinessWeek

Minggu, 09 September 2012



by aleXsandro Palombo

Humor Chic Fashion & Politics - "BANANAS WAR" Barack Obama, the dream of VOGUE Editrix Anna Wintour, US ELECTION 2012 by aleXsandro Palombo



by aleXsandro Palombo

Sabtu, 08 September 2012

Barack Obama and Mitt Romney
2012 US Presidential ELECTION
Empire State Building
Humor Chic by aleXsandro Palombo

Humor Chic Politics - "BANANAS WAR" Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, 2012 US Presidential ELECTION by aleXsandro Palombo

Barack Obama and Mitt Romney
2012 US Presidential ELECTION
Empire State Building
Humor Chic by aleXsandro Palombo

The Fashion War is coming. Carine Roitfeld launches CR-Fashion Book

Humor Chic Fashion War - "DANGEROUS" CR Fashion Book, Carine Roitfeld against VOGUE Editrix Anna Wintour by aleXsandro Palombo

The Fashion War is coming. Carine Roitfeld launches CR-Fashion Book

Jumat, 07 September 2012

by aleXsandro Palombo

Humor Chic Politics - "HOPE" Barack Obama, 2012 US Presidential Election by aleXsandro Palombo

by aleXsandro Palombo


Humor Chic Fashion Religion - Karl Lagerfeld, CHANEL by aleXsandro Palombo


Kamis, 06 September 2012


Humor Chic Fashion Religion - POPE KARL Lagerfeld by aleXsandro Palombo


Rabu, 05 September 2012

Louboutin wins appeal over red soles fight with YSL
Christian Louboutin
Humor Chic by aleXsandro Palombo
Christian Louboutin
Humor Chic by aleXsandro Palombo
The bright red soles on French footwear designer Christian Louboutin's high-heeled shoes are so distinctive they deserve trademark protection, a U.S. appeals court has ruled. A three judge panel at the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York reversed on Wednesday a lower court's finding that a single color could not be trademarked in the fashion industry. Paris-based Louboutin, whose pumps have graced many famous feet, sued rival Yves Saint Laurent (YSL) in April 2011 in Manhattan federal court over what he claimed is his signature use of lacquered red on shoe soles. In August 2011, Manhattan federal judge Victor Marrero denied Louboutin's request for a preliminary injunction that would have prevented YSL from selling pumps with red soles.

But in Wednesday's ruling, the appeals court panel said Louboutin's long-standing use of the red sole was "a distinctive symbol that qualifies for trademark protection." However, Judges Chester Straub, Jose Cabranes and Debra Ann Livingston limited Louboutin's trademark to shoes where the sole stands out in contrast to the rest of the pump. The finding would allow YSL to produce a monochrome red shoe with a red sole, the opinion said.

David Bernstein, a lawyer for YSL, called the opinion a victory for the label, which is part of French fashion company PPR SA.
"The Court has conclusively ruled that YSL's monochromatic red shoes do not infringe any trademark rights of Louboutin, which guarantees that YSL can continue to make monochromatic shoes in a wide variety of colors, including red," Bernstein said in a statement. For its part, Louboutin also called the ruling a win.

Thanks to the ruling, Louboutin "will be able to protect a life's work as the same is embodied in the red sole found on his women's luxury shoes," said Louboutin lawyer Harley Lewin. The opinion based its reasoning on a 1995 U.S. Supreme Court decision Qualitex Co. v. Jacobson Products Co. and on the Lanham Act, which governs trademark law. The Qualitex decision left open the possibility of defending a single color trademark on the grounds that its use, under certain circumstances, is uniquely associated with a brand, the appeals court said. YSL has argued that Louboutin's red sole trademark was obtained fraudulently and sued its rival to cancel it. YSL also has other counter claims pending against Louboutin as part of this case. Since shortly after Louboutin founded his first boutique in 1991 in Paris, his lawsuit said, all his shoes have had red-lacquered soles. They can fetch more than $1,000 a pair.
The case is Christian Louboutin et al v. Yves Saint Laurent America, Inc., 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, No. 11-3303.

Humor Chic Fashion War - Christian Louboutin against Yves Saint Laurent

Louboutin wins appeal over red soles fight with YSL
Christian Louboutin
Humor Chic by aleXsandro Palombo
Christian Louboutin
Humor Chic by aleXsandro Palombo
The bright red soles on French footwear designer Christian Louboutin's high-heeled shoes are so distinctive they deserve trademark protection, a U.S. appeals court has ruled. A three judge panel at the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York reversed on Wednesday a lower court's finding that a single color could not be trademarked in the fashion industry. Paris-based Louboutin, whose pumps have graced many famous feet, sued rival Yves Saint Laurent (YSL) in April 2011 in Manhattan federal court over what he claimed is his signature use of lacquered red on shoe soles. In August 2011, Manhattan federal judge Victor Marrero denied Louboutin's request for a preliminary injunction that would have prevented YSL from selling pumps with red soles.

But in Wednesday's ruling, the appeals court panel said Louboutin's long-standing use of the red sole was "a distinctive symbol that qualifies for trademark protection." However, Judges Chester Straub, Jose Cabranes and Debra Ann Livingston limited Louboutin's trademark to shoes where the sole stands out in contrast to the rest of the pump. The finding would allow YSL to produce a monochrome red shoe with a red sole, the opinion said.

David Bernstein, a lawyer for YSL, called the opinion a victory for the label, which is part of French fashion company PPR SA.
"The Court has conclusively ruled that YSL's monochromatic red shoes do not infringe any trademark rights of Louboutin, which guarantees that YSL can continue to make monochromatic shoes in a wide variety of colors, including red," Bernstein said in a statement. For its part, Louboutin also called the ruling a win.

Thanks to the ruling, Louboutin "will be able to protect a life's work as the same is embodied in the red sole found on his women's luxury shoes," said Louboutin lawyer Harley Lewin. The opinion based its reasoning on a 1995 U.S. Supreme Court decision Qualitex Co. v. Jacobson Products Co. and on the Lanham Act, which governs trademark law. The Qualitex decision left open the possibility of defending a single color trademark on the grounds that its use, under certain circumstances, is uniquely associated with a brand, the appeals court said. YSL has argued that Louboutin's red sole trademark was obtained fraudulently and sued its rival to cancel it. YSL also has other counter claims pending against Louboutin as part of this case. Since shortly after Louboutin founded his first boutique in 1991 in Paris, his lawsuit said, all his shoes have had red-lacquered soles. They can fetch more than $1,000 a pair.
The case is Christian Louboutin et al v. Yves Saint Laurent America, Inc., 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, No. 11-3303.